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Rockstar Week of Summer Fun

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WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU for this week’s fun summer rockstar theme! While we love all kinds of music in our house, everybody was a headbanging, crowd-surfing rockstar all week. From a concert on the beach to delicious microphone cupcakes, we grooved and danced through our summer week of rockstar themed activities just like the greats.

Fun summer rockstar themed week

Fun Summer Schedule

Each summer I pick nine different themes. Each theme is broken down by day of the week. Then every day has a focused activity to encourage vocabulary development, language in natural contexts, and create hands-on experiences. Here is the daily schedule we will follow for the entire summer regardless of the theme!

Fun summer schedule for rockstar week

Too many other things going on this summer? Don’t stress! Pick only a couple of activities or do it all. Incorporating vocabulary and language into even just one activity can help increase your child’s retention and application of concepts. Most importantly, just have fun together!

Make It Monday

This week’s Make It Monday took be back to my elementary school years! I had to make an instrument in fourth grade and chose to make a rainstick! I thought this would be a fun throwback to do with my own kids. And it did not disappoint!

First, I found all of the materials and then called my dad. (He pretty much has any trinket, gadget, or tool needed for any project!) He helped my son hammer in the nails to the cardboard tube. You can use cardboard or a PVC pipe…we just happened to have a cardboard shipping tube on hand. Once the nails were in, we filled the tube with dried barley. We weren’t super satisfied with the result so we experimented with dried black beans as well as popcorn kernels until we got the right rain sound.

Rockstar week make it monday activity rainstick

Once we decided on the best sounding rain in the tube, we capped the ends and let our crazy rockstar out! My boys both loved shaking the stick and experimenting with turning it fast versus slow. We even shook it along with some songs by Queen. (We have also been listening to Queen non-stop since then as well…) This was a great activity to work on some independence and direction following.

Making a rainstick for make it monday rockstar week
Making a rainstick instrument!

Take A Trip Tuesday

Our Take a Trip Tuesday was a free, but rocking fun summer concert along the lake in our hometown. Every Tuesday, a band plays along the beach near our house and this week it was an ABBA cover band in full garb! While my boys were a little hesitant at first, they eventually found their inner Dancing Queens and enjoyed the show.

Fun summer concert for rockstar take a trip tuesday activity

These summer concert at the beach was perfect for our themed weekly trip…free, fun, and rocking! Check out your local park district or community events to find a free or discounted event near you!

Went to a fun free summer concert to listen to an ABBA cover band for take a trip tuesday
Jamming to Dancing Queen An ABBA Salute band!

Water Wednesday

Our Water Wednesday activity was a little different this week compared to previous weeks. Instead of free water play, we used water to create another musical instrument. All you need are glass bottles, food coloring, and water for this easy and fun summer activity!

Rockstar week water wednesday activity with musical glass bottles and food coloring

After drinking A LOT of IBC Cream Soda, we had enough clear glass bottles for our water infused instrument. I helped my son line them up and add the right amounts of food coloring for a rainbow pattern. He then gently filled each bottle with less and less water. Through many trial, errors, and giggles, my son was finally able to blow into the stems and hear the descending notes.

Poured different levels of water into glass bottles and used food coloring to make musical bottles for rockstar water wednesday
Listening to the difference between water amounts in our musical glass bottles.

This was an awesome summer activity to not only work on primary and secondary colors, but also allowed for a very basic conversation about volume and pitch. Plus seeing the look on my kid’s face when he finally was able to make a sound was priceless!

Thinking Thursday

We actually have a well loved book about rock n’ roll that we read on the regular. So we just enjoyed reading it together for the millionth time! We read The Story Of Rock, which was a gift from my aunt who pretty much knows everything about all things music. The story rhymes throughout and it includes all the greats including Chuck Berry, Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin, Queen, David Bowie, Tina Turner, and so many more!

Fun thinking thursday summer activity with book and create a rockstar roll a dice

For our activity this week, we created our own rockstars with a roll of dice. On TPT, I found this adorable and FREE Create A Rock Star activity from Christine Bock’s Store. My son ended up as a rockstar named Elvis Rockstar with purple hair and mad keyboard skills. Super fun way to practice number identification, describing words, and pretend instrument play.

Created a rockstar with a fun summer roll a dice activity
Rolling to see what rockstar traits we have!

Foodie Friday

For this week’s fun summer rockstar themed snack, we made microphone cupcakes! I followed the recipe from Morgan Manages Mommyhood’s blog. While this was a little more time intensive than other snacks we have done, they turned out super cute and super yummy!

Delicious microphone cupcakes for rockstar themed foodie friday

Both of my boys got into this fun Foodie Friday…partially because frosting was involved and partially because they love being in the kitchen with me! I let my oldest dump in the ingredients, crack the eggs, and use the electric mixer (with my assistance of course!). My youngest helped by licking all of the utensils clean!

Fun summer rockstar foodie friday activity of microphone cupcakes
Making microphone cupcakes!

The recipe was very easy to follow, but be sure to only fill the ice cream cones up halfway as she advises! I ended up putting the cones in a muffin tin to prevent them from falling over in the oven too. Once they were cooled and decorated, we had an impromptu concert in the kitchen!

Cinema Saturday

Our Cinema Saturday movie was a new one for our family. We all really enjoyed Sing and already have plans to watch Sing 2 soon for another fun summer flick. Lots of catchy current songs to round out our week of rock. Even added some of the songs to our favorite playlist!

Rockstar week cinema saturday movie is Sing

Sensory Sunday

I kept our Sensory Sunday fairly simple this week and went with a bin of wooden instruments. I found this kit which came with several very unique types of instruments. I just emptied everything into a basket and let the boys have at it! The triangle ended up being the fan favorite!

Fun summer activity for sensory sunday is a bin full of wooden instruments

In previous weeks, our sensory activities have been made with non-edible items like water beads, homemade slime, and dried rice. For more of a auditory sensory experience, the wooden instruments were ideal for my 15 month old to enjoy as well as my four year old. They both enjoyed making different sounds and experimenting with each instrument.

A wooden instrument sensory bin for our fun summer week of rockstar activities
Exploring all of the sounds and shapes in the instrument sensory bin.

For more fun summer themed weeks, check out what we have been up to so far! We have had a blast so far with farm, zoo, human body, spy, and holiday themes. All of our week’s follow the same weekly schedule, but feel free to pick and choose your own summer themed adventures! Be sure to check back next week as we dive into the next fun summer theme of community helpers!

What a fun rocking summer week we had! Not only did we add lots of jams to my son’s playlist, we had so many awesome discussions about instruments, types of music, and a ton of new vocabulary concepts. This was a great theme for not only the kids, but my husband and I enjoyed it as well. So for all those festival going, music loving parents out there, we hope you enjoy trying some of these fun summer rockstar activities!

“It’s amazing how much you can learn if your intentions are truly earnest.”

-Chuck Berry

Happy rocking, fellow SLPs & mamas!

Talking Mama Bears