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Fun Summer Week of LEGO® Themed Activities

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EVERYTHING IS AWESOME when you have an entire fun summer week of LEGO® themed activities! Our kids can spend hours on end independently creating and pretending with LEGO bricks. While this is indeed awesome, we came up with a fun summer week dedicated solely to LEGO activities and our kids were all in!

Fun summer week of lego activities

Fun Summer Schedule

Each summer I pick nine different themes. Each theme is broken down by day of the week. Then every day has a focused activity to encourage vocabulary development, language in natural contexts, and create hands-on experiences. Here is the daily schedule we will follow for the entire summer regardless of the theme!

fun summer schedule for a week full of lego activities

Too many other things going on this summer? Don’t stress! Pick only a couple of activities or do it all. Incorporating vocabulary and language into even just one activity can help increase your child’s retention and application of concepts. Most importantly, just have fun together!

Make It Monday

To start our week off, we built LEGO balloon racers. I have seen this done before and have always wanted to try this with my son. While I am not the greatest LEGO builder, my son (and husband) were all about it. This ended up being a whole family activity and resulted in a lot of laughs even with one balloon racer! Next time we need to make a few more for some competitive racing!

lego balloon racer cars

All you need are LEGO bricks plus a balloon! Be sure you have LEGO wheels as well as the specific gray LEGO piece shown below to hold the balloon onto the racer. Build a simple car, blow up the balloon, attach balloon the racer, and let go! It took us a few attempts to get the correct about of air in the balloon to optimize our racing speed, but our boys enjoyed the trials and errors! Please note our racers worked best on our hardwood floor.

lego balloon racer for make it monday
All you need are LEGO wheels, a balloon, and the small gray LEGO piece shown above!

Take A Trip Tuesday

Mandy was able to take her girls to the LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Chicago for this week’s fun summer Take A Trip Tuesday. We are very lucky to have such an awesome attraction so close to our houses! They are even season pass holders which is a great bang for your buck if you have LEGO lovers like us.

fun summer trip to legoland chicago

Both of Mandy’s girls were able to free build with bricks throughout the two-leveled building as well as play on the indoor playground. At the Chicago location (which is really Schaumburg, a Chicago suburb), there is also a few amusement park style rides indoors. Everything is relatively contained and stroller friendly too. Definitely a very easy fun summer adventure worth your time!

such a fun summer outing to legoland
Enjoying the AWESOME LEGO activities for our Take A Trip Tuesday!

Also note that this location is in the Streets of Woodfield which is across the street from Woodfield Mall. There are lots of yummy places to eat surrounding LEGOLAND if you don’t want to grab food inside the cafe onsite or bring your own lunch.

Water Wednesday

Sadly the weather didn’t quite cooperate this week for our Water Wednesday activity. The original plan had been to fill up a small pool in the backyard and dump a bunch of MEGA Bloks® for lots of free play. However, we had lots of rain this week so we were unable to get outside. But don’t worry! I activated Plan B…the Bathtub!

easy lego water activity for hot summer days

This water play idea could not be any simpler! I filled the tub and gave my boys about half a bin of MEGA Bloks. They were able to share, build, and get clean all in one go! I loved watching them work together too.

Want more fun bathtub time ideas AND work on some basic language concepts too this summer? Click here to read our blog post on How To Make Bathtime Fun (While Targeting Basic Language Concepts!).

water wednesday mega blok bath time
Sharing and building together!

Thinking Thursday

The book I chose for this week is a little different than previous choices. I went with The Lego Ideas Book: Unlock Your Imagination which is not a typical read aloud story book. However, my son LOVED flipping through the 200 pages of super cool LEGO creations. He was able to get lots of ideas as well as independently “read” the book. Win, win!

thinking thursday lego book for fun summer lego week

To continue with the independent tasks, my son was able to created his very own LEGO character with this free template from The Creative Mermaid via TPT. He was able to color his outfit and add his face to his template. He even wanted to make one for his younger brother! Super sweet and super cute!

freebie lego character template for thinking thursday

Foodie Friday

We absolutely loved this fun summer LEGO Foodie Friday! I had planned to make Rice Krispie Treats™ at home and then decorate them to look like a LEGO brick. However, after an afternoon of swimming at my aunt and uncle’s house, my aunt had had the same thought! (Great minds think alike!) She had everything we needed to make our yummy LEGO Rice Krispie Treats so I didn’t have to do the hard work at home!

yummy lego rice krispie treats for lego week

All you need to do is make the treats per the directions on the cereal box or any other simple recipe. We then used colored cake frosting and M&M’s to decorate squares and rectangles to look like LEGO bricks. They turned out so cute all while practicing direction following and independent skills! We may or may not have eaten the entire pan too…haha. Such a fun and easy summer activity!

fun summer snack of lego rice krispies treats
Fun and delicious Foodie Friday snack!

Cinema Saturday

For this week’s summer Cinema Saturday fun, we watched The Lego Movie. While I have heard the movie’s theme song no less than a million times, I had not seen the movie yet! We made our typical butter smothered bowl of popcorn and enjoyed the movie as a family. Always love some Will Ferrell humor too!

fun summer movie for lego week

Sensory Sunday

Finally the weather cooperated and we were able to get outside for our Sensory Sunday activity. I froze MEGA Bloks in water and then popped them out into a full water table. And honestly, this may turn into a regular sensory bin pastime! It was that simple and engaging!

easy frozen lego sensory sunday activity

All you need are MEGA Bloks (DUPLO® blocks could easily work as well!), a few freezable containers (I used these Pyrex® glass storage containers), and water. I threw a handful of blocks into the containers and filled with water until all of the blocks were mostly submerged. I put them into the freezer and left them overnight. In the morning, I set them out for approximately 5 minutes and the ice blocks popped right out into the water table. My son had a great time using some play gardening tools he found to chip away the ice to free the blocks. Great way to keep cool too!

frozen lego blocks for fun sensory sunday experience
Freeze blocks in containers then put into a full water table!

We can’t believe the summer is coming to an end, but if you have a few more weeks until the start of school be sure to check out our other fun themed weeks for lots of activities and ideas to keep your kids active!

Farm Week Fun Summer Activity Schedule

And that wraps up our fun summer week packed with engaging and independence building LEGO activities! We know LEGO creating is a huge pastime for not only our kiddos, but our students as well. Let us know in the comments below how your littles used language and show off their independence with LEGO bricks.

Happy creating, fellow SLPs & mamas!

Talking Mama Bears